Office Member


Whitney Wang

  • Official document management, managing the dean and vice dean’s schedule
  • The College of Business (COB) administrative meetings and COB affairs meetings
  • COB Faculty Evaluation Committee: faculty appointment, re-appointment, promotion and evaluation
  • COB Curriculum Committee, Selection of Outstanding Homeroom Teacher, Selection of Outstanding Teaching Faculty
  • Mid-term University Development Plan modification, achievement reports, etc
  • To assist with the COB research centers
  • COB budget administration and write-off, School funds administration and allocation
  • ISO internal, external audit, and administrative assessment
  • Research rewards
  • COB winter/summer transfer exams
  • To assist with the EMI Plan of COB, and to promote the Practice Plan of the Ministry of Education(MOE)
  • To assist the department chair in the renewal evaluation
  • COB research advisory committee meetings
  • Other assigned work
Associate Clerk

E-Ann Tsai

  • International Master of Business Administration Program (admission, course arrangement, course selection, graduation qualification, evaluation, student activities)
  • International exchanges (international student/ exchange student/MOU/MOA)
  • To assist the director of the Office of Globalization Promotion, COB in implementing international affairs
  • International Business Camp (admissions, opening ceremony, visiting activities, achievement reports)
  • Business English Conversation Course (course arrangement, course selection, credit/exemption, printing of final test papers, handling English speech contests and English situational dialogue contests)
  • Intensive non-credit language courses (course arrangement, course selection)
  • International accreditation data collection related to service and ERS (data collection from various sections at CYCU, stakeholder questionnaires, accreditation publicity activities (exhibition boards, promotion literature, education training), and writing societal impact achievement reports)
  • To assist with international accreditation and peer review visits
  • Other assigned work
Associate Clerk

Bonnie Liu

  • AACSB Accreditation progress planning, implementation, achievement reporting, etc.
  • Accreditation budgeting, budget control and write-off
  • AACSB Accreditation committee meetings (strategic planning, executive teams, Assurance of Learning (AoL), and coordination meetings)
  • Sedona system, Accreditation-related systems, and Quality Development and Accreditation Office website maintenance and update
  • Accreditation teacher quality and qualifications (teacher qualification calculation (SA/PA/SP/IP), teacher quality assurance, teacher support and counseling, and writing teacher quality reports)
  • International Accreditation data collection and compilation related to teacher research and industry-university link (research achievements, research quality, academic impact industry-university cooperation achievements, and writing research quality reports)
  • Data collection and compilation of achievement reports of the COB programs and various school reports
  • AACSB CIR Report
  • Accreditation organization contact and maintenance window (AACSB committee members, mentor, AACSB official organizations, Accreditation office of other schools in Taiwan, interpreter, Sedona system, etc.)
  • International accreditation and peer review visits
  • Other assigned work
Contract Employee

Anna Mai

  • International Undergraduate Program in Business & Management Program (course arrangement, course selection, course credit, graduation qualification)
  • CYCU and Temple University Dual Degree Program in Business Administration (course arrangement, course selection, course credit, graduation qualification)
  • COB briefing (Chinese/English)
  • To host or visit other business schools, to give briefings to senior high schools, etc.
  • International accreditation and peer review visits
  • Other assigned work
Contract Employee

Salome Lee

  • EQUIS Accreditation progress planning, implementation, achievement reporting, etc.
  • EQUIS Accreditation committee meetings (strategic planning, executive teams, Assurance of Learning (AoL), and coordination meetings)
  • International Accreditation data collection related to teaching (AoL, standardized core courses, advisory board meetings, course planning, learning objectives, graduation ability analysis, AoL website maintenance, and AoL reports)
  • International Accreditation data collection related to Internationalization (International exchanges, international cooperation, partner institutions, international degree programs, etc., and writing international trend analysis reports)
  • EQUIS Accreditation document writing
  • To assist with International accreditation and peer review visits
  • EQUIS Accreditation organizations contact and maintenance window (EQUIS committee members, EQUIS mentor, EQUIS official organizations, Accreditation office of other schools in Taiwan, etc.)
  • Other assigned work
Full-time Research Assistant

Julia Tsai

  • Ph.D. Program in Business (admissions, course arrangement, course selection, graduation qualifications, evaluation)
  • Master Program in Commercial Applications of Big Data (course arrangement, course selection, graduation qualification)
  • To assist with the Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center and Yunus Social Business Center at CYCU
  • Business Ethics Course (course arrangement, course selection, lecturer invitation)
  • Higher Education Sprout Project implementation and its achievement report
  • International accreditation data collection related to students (student achievements, the number of students, Beta Gama Sigma (BGS) activities, student support and counseling, career development and result analysis reports
  • International accreditation and peer review visits
  • Other assigned work
Full-time Research Assistant

Grace Li

  1. College of Business EMI bilingual learning popularization and improvement plan promotion, management and performance reporting
  2. International accreditation and peer review visits
  3. Other assigned work
Contract teaching assistant

Tanya Wu

  • Business Information Center (software and hardware, environment, promotion, and answer inquiry)
  • Books and equipment database of the MOE purchasing and education training
  • Project Plan and Report of MOE Fund for University Development (Books & Equipment)
  • Website construction and maintenance (COB, Business Information Center, Ph.D. program in Business, IMBA, etc.)
  • Managing the COB official mailbox
  • Jin Rong Business Auditorium (management, maintenance, borrowing, and returning, to assist with the use of the auditorium)
  • Managing the COB computer system and its property, and updating the access control data of the table tennis room in the basement
  • Managing the use and maintenance of COB professional classrooms
  • To assist with the Practice Plan of MOE
  • Training the Business Information Center part-time student workers and managing COB part-time student workers
  • Other assigned work
Contract Employee

Joy Lin

  • Ph.D. Program in Business (recruit students, course scheduling, course enollment, graduation eligibility, and evaluation)
  • International exchanged (MOU, MOA)
  • AOL and class syllabus related task(AOL seminar, group meeting, closing the loop meeting, AOL classification, Planning for course map, data collection, learning goals, AOL website update and maintain…) and writing CIR learning quality report
  • AACSB accreditation and support for the visit
  • College of Business official Email
  • Temporary Assignment
Full-time Research Assistant

Julia Tsai

  • Master Program in Commercial Application of Big Data (recruit students, graduation eligibility)
  • Business Ethic (13 classes: course scheduling, course enrollment, lecturer inviting)
  • Assist with course registration of Mainland China business management program (business administration, international business, accounting, finance)
  • AACSB teaching and related task (gathering student learning effect information, faculty innovational instruction competition and bourcher editing)
  • Gathering and consolidating AACSB service related information (office, industry, official and study research, and innovational instruction competition)
  • AACSB BSQ annual official evaluation questionnaire and related advocacy activities (training program, design of brochure and exhibition board )
  • AACSB accreditation and support for the visit
  • Temporary Assignment

Esther Chen

  • Official document Management, arrangement of dean and vice dean’s schedule
  • College executive meeting
  • Evaluation meeting of College teacher: Teacher Recruitment, Remain, Promotion and Evaluation
  • College Curriculum Committee related affairs.
  • Assist with medium term plan revision, evaluation and overall performance report.
  • Scholarship for plotter proposal and performance and overall report.
  • Control college budget and reimbursement.
  • Control and distribute school subsidy.
  • Internal and external audit of ISO, executive evaluation.
  • Assignment from the dean.
  • Coordinate and manage part-time workers.
  • Excellent talents for flexible wage (Ministry of science and technology, young lecturer of Higher Education Sprout Project).
  • Business group student transfer for winter or summer (Winter/ summer transference exam of students in Business Group).
  • Support the director of college office of career development for related .
  • Support the chairmen of departments for evaluation.

April Ren

  • IMBA (recruit students, course scheduling, course enrollment, graduation eligibility, evaluation)
  • International Exchange (International/Exchange Student)
  • Business Camp
  • Practical English (39 classes: student pre & post test, course scheduling, course enrollment)
  • Non-credit course language corner (course registration, course enrollment)
  • Temporary Assignment
Associate Clerk

Andrea Lin

  • Certification schedule planning, executing, and providing performance report
  • Certification budgeting, controlling and reimbursing
  • AACSB meeting, strategic planning meeting, operation meeting
  • Information update and maintain of Sedona and other certified related system
  • Programs and faculty classification criteria (SA/PA/SP/IP) counting
  • Program performance & evaluation report, consolidating information from school report
  • Writing AACSB accreditation report
  • Contact window of AACSB (AACSB committee, Mentor, AACSB contact window, foreign translator, Sedona foreign administrator)
  • Certification office’s website maintenance and update
  • Temporary Assignment
Contract Employee

Erika Chiu

  • IUBM (course registration, course enrollment, credit waiver, graduation eligibility)
  • CYCU and Temple Dual Degree Program (course registration, course enrollment, credit waiver, graduation eligibility)
  • BGS contact and executing (holding seminar, selecting student to attend international conference, admission and charter ceremony, fill out BGS official questionnaire)
  • AACSB related external activities (alumni or parent-teacher meeting, international affair) and writing reports
  • AACSB accreditation and support for the visit
  • College of Business Introduction(Chinese/English)、Presentation
  • College of Business visit and promotion to high schools,etc.
  • Temporary Assignment
Contract Employee

Susan Hsiang

  • Ph.D. Program in Business (recruit students, course scheduling, course enollment, graduation eligibility, and evaluation)
  • International exchanged (MOU, MOA)
  • AOL and class syllabus related task(AOL seminar, group meeting, closing the loop meeting, AOL classification, Planning for course map, data collection, learning goals, AOL website update and maintain…) and writing CIR learning quality report
  • AACSB accreditation and support for the visit
  • College of Business official Email
  • Temporary Assignment
Full-time Research Assistant

Nancy Huang

  • Master Program in Commercial Application of Big Data (recruit students, graduation eligibility)
  • Business Ethic (13 classes: course scheduling, course enrollment, lecturer inviting)
  • Assist with course registration of Mainland China business management program (business administration, international business, accounting, finance)
  • AACSB teaching and related task (gathering student learning effect information, faculty innovational instruction competition and bourcher editing)
  • Gathering and consolidating AACSB service related information (office, industry, official and study research, and innovational instruction competition)
  • AACSB BSQ annual official evaluation questionnaire and related advocacy activities (training program, design of brochure and exhibition board )
  • AACSB accreditation and support for the visit
  • Temporary Assignment
Contract teaching assistance

Tanya Wu

  • Business Information Center (Software & Hardware, Environment, Promotion and answer)
  • Ministry of Education plotter database (purchase and education training)
  • Website Buildup and maintenance (College of Business, Business Information center, Ph.D. Program in Business, IMBA)
  • Business Auditorium (Maintenance, rent, assist the usage)
  • Manage computer system in College of Business, manage college property, update and maintain access control for B1 Ping Pong room
  • Undergraduate Program in Business and Management (UBM student transfers, course registration, course enrollment, credit waiver, graduation eligibility)
  • Professional room usage and trainer of business information center part-time workers
  • Temporary Assignment