2012 Business Ethics Conference and the Fourth Cross-Strait Leadership Summit on Carrying Moral to Business were held on November 9, 2012 at the International Conference Hall of Holistic Village in CYCU. It invited dignitaries such as the Honorary Chairman of Kuomintang Mr. Wu Po-Hsiung and the glass tycoon, Chairman of Fu-Yau Glass Industrial Group Tsao Der-Won to deliver speeches. The conference in addition to explore the business ethics of business executives, analyzed business social responsibility. It was the first time that business leaders Cross-Strait to meet together to discuss such issue to offer the fundamental values of mankind.
Under the leadership of President Samuel Chang, the CYCU began the leading university to promote “Holistic Education” and then the Taiwan Education Ministry implemented that vision to all levels of the schools in the country. And the College of Business in order to cultivate the concept of Holistic Education was the first business college to require all the students to take Business Ethics course in 1983. It has become a required two credits course for undergraduate and graduate students. Consequently, Business Ethics Conference and the Fourth Cross-Strait Leadership Summit were held in Taiwan the first time. With the coordination of CYCU and Chinese Business Ethics Education Council, the conference offered a spiritual journey for Cross-Strait businesses.

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