2021-2022 Academic Year College of Business Dean, Department Chairs, and Program Directors Handover Ceremony

The handover ceremony for the new and outgoing deans, department chairs, and program directors of the College of Business at Chung Yuan Christian University for the 2021-2022 academic year was held on July 26, 2021, at 2:00 PM in Room 419 of the Management Building. Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the ceremony incorporated individual sessions for each transition and was livestreamed via Teams to allow all members of the College of Business to attend virtually.

College of Business: Outgoing Dean Shih-Ming Pi handed over the role to incoming Dean Cheng-Wen Lee.

Department of Finance: Outgoing Director Yen-Hsien Lee and Incoming Director Wen-Chien Liu

Photo of Yen-Hsien Lee (left), Shih-Ming Pi (center), and Wen-Chien Liu (right)

Master Program in Commercial Applications of Big Data: Outgoing Director Shih-Ming Pi (serving concurrently as dean), Executive Director Cheng-Yu Lai, and Incoming Director Su-Houn Liu (serving concurrently as Vice Dean)

Photo of Su-Houn Liu (left), Shih-Ming Pi (center), and Cheng-Yu Lai (right)

Undergraduate Program in Business and Management: Outgoing Director Teng-Sheng Sang and Incoming Director Su-Houn Liu (serving concurrently as Vice Dean)

Photo of Su-Houn Liu (left), Shih-Ming Pi (center), and Teng-Sheng Sang (right)

Chung Yuan Christian University and Temple University Undergraduate Dual Degree Program in Business Administration: Outgoing Director Su-Houn Liu (serving concurrently as Vice Dean) and Incoming Director Shan-Ying Chu

Group photo with Kuo-Chen Li (far left), Shih-Ming Pi (second from left), Su-Houn Liu (second from right), and Shan-Ying Chu (far right)

The event also featured virtual participation by faculty and staff and was hosted by the ceremony’s emcee.